
Hi Everyone, This is a meeting of the minds. studying, dissecting, discussing, issues and topics that the bible presents as we read and try to apply to our lives. I personally believe that the bible also has a source of answers for problems in the world. so ALL questions of life is welcome including the most controversial questions and topics.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is a babe in Christ?

Many people dont realize that just like a baby becomes a man in the physical sense, when a person is BORN AGAIN, they must mature from a spiritual baby to spiritual maturity. What is your take on this topic?

Our Customs and the ways of God

Are our customs suitable enough to mingle with the ways of God? I look around at a lot of denominations and their opinion tends to lean according to the majorities background, or what is usually done in their native land. Is it possible to mix our culture with the lifestyle of the bible and the result end in a pure spirituality of the follower?

Magnify The Law

Isaiah 42:21 The LORD is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he will magnify the law, and make it honorable. What exactly does it mean to magnify the law? Please this question needs scripture back up in order to edify everyone else who is participating.

Restorer of the Breach?

According to Isaiah 58:11-12, God is building us up to become people of the word in order to restore others back to the ways of God. What exactly is the job of a person described in this verse? How do we become prepared to do that particular job?

Feelings, Nothing more than feelings...

Do you think that emotions have a connection to our walk with Christ? Does feelings dictate our direction when walking with Jesus? Is it the same as the holy spirit? please use scripture to back up your point.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What is the sabbath?

This topic has been exhausted during discussions and yet it seems as though there is no conclusion. What is the sabbath, is it Sunday or Saturday or is done away with? if it is valid today, how should we approach it?

end time church, end time conflict

From the bibles perspective, Does it say anything about church being corrupted with false doctrines and false leadership? if so do you think anyone is paying attention?

Monday, January 11, 2010

how does God magnify the law?

There is a term God used in the old testament, of what the messiah was going to do when was to come. How did Jesus Magnify the law?

Holy Nation? Is the israel that Jesus is coming for, literal or spiritual?

There are 2 ideas in the christian community that believes the scriptures refer to the literal bloodline of Israel that will be blessed with receiving the presence of Jesus, in the second coming, to the actual country Israel in the middle east. on the the other hand some Christians say that is not literal but its actually a spiritual context. What do you think?

What ever happen to the laws of moses?

I want to know biblical evidence of what ever happened to the laws of Moses? is the 10 commandments affected by what happened to the laws of Moses?

Why do christians suffer?

This is too Christians, Why do we suffer and face hardships on this earth? Shouldn't we be protected since we are Gods people? biblical evidence please.


There has been many opinions on the topic of Jewelry. Let me know your opinion, whether jewelry should be worn in church or even at all. use historical or biblical evidence to back up your statement. If its an opinion please state why you believe that opinion.


Few Times in the bible, Jesus told a few people to Sin no more. There is also a quote from Jesus saying, "be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect". I want to know is it possible to live a sinless life according to the bible?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Double Edge Sword

Hey Everyone Just wanted to get to know everyone's thoughts on certain issues, doctrines and topics that are presented in the Word of God. This is definitely for studying purposes do serious questions and inquires please. If there is a real question, i want to use this Blog to find the answer together.